Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- d
: faddr_instance, Const, StmtVisitorStub
- d_off
: Elf32_Dyn
- d_ptr
: Elf32_Dyn
- d_tag
: Elf32_Dyn
- d_un
: Elf32_Dyn
- d_val
: Elf32_Dyn
- daIndirect()
: InstructionPatterns
- daPostInc()
: InstructionPatterns
- daPreDec()
: InstructionPatterns
- data1
: _NXHandler
- data2
: _NXHandler
- DataFlow()
: DataFlow
- DataIntervalMap()
: DataIntervalMap
- datapagesoffset
: LXHeader
- dataPtr
: List
- datasize
: LXPage
- dbl
: yy_SSLParser_stype
- debugDecoder
: Boomerang
- debugGen
: Boomerang
- debugging
: Decompiler
- debuggingPoint()
: Decompiler
- debuginfolen
: LXHeader
- debuginfooffset
: LXHeader
- debugLiveness
: Boomerang
- debugProof
: Boomerang
- debugSwitch
: Boomerang
- debugTA
: Boomerang
- DebugTableRVA
: PEHeader
- debugUnused
: Boomerang
- decode()
: Decompiler, FrontEnd
- decodeAssemblyInstruction()
: ST20Decoder, SparcDecoder, PPCDecoder, PentiumDecoder, NJMCDecoder
- decodeComplete()
: MainWindow
- decodeCompleted()
: Decompiler
- decodeEntryPoint()
: Prog
- decodeEverythingUndecoded()
: Prog
- decodeFragment()
: Prog, FrontEnd
- decodeIndirectJmp()
: Cfg, BasicBlock
- decodeInstruction()
: ST20Decoder, SparcDecoder, PPCDecoder, PentiumFrontEnd, PentiumDecoder, FrontEnd, NJMCDecoder
- decodeMain
: Boomerang
- decodeOnly()
: FrontEnd
- decoder
: FrontEnd
- decodeThruIndCall
: Boomerang
- decoding()
: Decompiler
- decompile()
: Decompiler, CallStatement, Prog, UserProc, Boomerang
- decompileComplete()
: MainWindow
- decompileCompleted()
: Decompiler
- decompiledCount
: MainWindow
- decompileProcs()
: Prog
- decompiler
: RTLEditor, DecompilerThread
- Decompiler()
: Decompiler
- decompilerThread
: MainWindow
- DecompilerThread()
: DecompilerThread
- decompiling()
: Decompiler
- decompilingProc()
: Decompiler
- deepCopyList()
- def
: ExpSubscripter, PhiInfo, RefExp
- defallsites
: DataFlow
- defCol
: CallStatement, ArgSourceProvider
- DefCollector()
: DefCollector
- defines
: CallStatement
- definesLoc()
: ReturnStatement, CallStatement, Assignment, Statement, AssignSet, StatementSet
- Definitions
: PhiAssign
- DefMap
: RTLInstDict
- defs
: objc_symtab, DefCollector
- defsites
: DataFlow
- defStmts
: DataFlow
- defVec
: PhiAssign
- del
: PhiStripper
- deleteCFG()
: UserProc
- deleteEdge()
: BasicBlock
- deleteInEdge()
: BasicBlock
- deleteItem()
: DataIntervalMap
- deleteLastStmt()
- deleteStmt()
- depth
: MemDepthFinder, SyntaxNode
- dereference()
: Type
- dereferenceUnion()
: UnionType
- descendType()
: RefExp, TypedExp, Ternary, Binary, Unary, Terminal, Const, Exp
- descriptionForClassMethod:
: Protocol
- descriptionForInstanceMethod:
: Protocol, Object
- descriptionForMethod:
: Object
- destCounts
: ExpDestCounter
- destroy
: _malloc_zone_t
- determineLoopType()
: Cfg
- DetParamMap
: RTLInstDict
- DetRegMap
: RTLInstDict
- df
: UserProc
- DF
: DataFlow
- DfaLocalMapper()
: DfaLocalMapper
- dfaMapLocals()
: Statement
- DfaTest()
: DfaTest
- dfaTypeAnalysis
: ReturnStatement, CallStatement, BranchStatement, BoolAssign, ImplicitAssign, PhiAssign, Assign, Assignment, Statement, Signature, Prog, UserProc, Boomerang
- DFGcount
: UserProc
- dfnum
: DataFlow
- DFS()
: DataFlow
- DFTOrder()
: BasicBlock
- diff()
: LocationSet
- dimap
: DataIntervalMap
- dis_Eaddr()
: SparcDecoder, PPCDecoder, PentiumDecoder
- dis_Mem()
: PentiumDecoder
- dis_Num()
: NJMCDecoder
- dis_RAmbz()
: PPCDecoder
- dis_Reg()
: PPCDecoder, NJMCDecoder
- dis_RegImm()
: SparcDecoder, PPCDecoder
- dis_RegLhs()
: SparcDecoder
- dis_RegRhs()
: SparcDecoder
- disjunctions
: Constraints
- dispA()
: InstructionPatterns
- DisplayDetails()
: Win32BinaryFile, MachOBinaryFile, ExeBinaryFile, DOS4GWBinaryFile, BinaryFileStub, BinaryFile
- dlHandle
: BinaryFileFactory
- DLLFlags
: PEHeader
- dlprocptrs
: Win32BinaryFile, DOS4GWBinaryFile
- dlprocs
: MachOBinaryFile
- doAvail()
: BasicBlock
- doesDominate()
: DataFlow
- doesNotRecognize:
: Object
- doesParamChainToCall()
: UserProc
- doesRecurseTo()
: UserProc
- dominanceNum
: Statement
- dominators()
: DataFlow
- doNothing()
: Memo
- doPropagateTo()
: Statement
- doRenameBlockVars()
: UserProc
- DOS4GWBinaryFile()
: DOS4GWBinaryFile
- dos4gwRead2()
: DOS4GWBinaryFile
- dos4gwRead4()
: DOS4GWBinaryFile
- dosDisp
- doSearch()
: Exp
- doSearchChildren()
: Ternary, Binary, Unary, Exp
- doSolve()
: Constraints
- dotFile
: Boomerang
- dump()
: DataIntervalMap, Type, Statement, RTL, UserProc, ConnectionGraph, LocationSet, StatementVec, StatementList, AssignSet, StatementSet, TargetQueue, Exp, UseCollector, DefCollector, Cfg, BasicBlock
- dumpA_orig()
: DataFlow
- dumpA_phi()
: DataFlow
- dumpAddrOfFourth()
: DefCollector
- dumpDefsites()
: DataFlow
- dumpGlobals()
: Prog
- dumpImplicitMap()
: Cfg
- dumpLocals()
: UserProc
- dumpNames()
: Type
- dumpStacks()
: DataFlow
- dumpSymbolMap()
: UserProc
- dumpSymbolMapx()
: UserProc
- dumpSymbols()
: Win32BinaryFile, ElfBinaryFile
- dumpXML
: Boomerang
- dylib
: dylib_command
Generated on Tue Sep 19 21:18:38 2006 for Boomerang by