Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- c
: StmtVisitorStub
- c3_16
: c_c_instance
- c_16
: c_c_instance
- c_addr
: addr_instance
- c_addr_m
: c_addr_instance
- c_addr_ma
: c_addr_instance
- c_addr_mb
: c_addr_instance
- c_addr_s
: c_addr_instance
- c_addr_sm
: c_addr_instance
- c_arith_dw
: c_c_instance
- c_arith_none
: c_c_instance
- c_arith_w
: c_c_instance
- c_bbs_dw
: c_c_instance
- c_bbs_w
: c_c_instance
- c_bitpos_dw
: c_bit_instance
- c_bitpos_w
: c_bit_instance
- c_bitsar
: c_bit_instance
- c_br_nnull
: InstructionPatterns, c_null_instance
- c_br_null
: InstructionPatterns, c_null_instance
- c_c_nonneg()
: InstructionPatterns
- c_cmpb_dw
: c_c_instance
- c_cmpb_w
: c_c_instance
- c_faddrs
: c_faddr_instance
- c_l_addr_none()
: InstructionPatterns
- c_mfctl
: c_wcr_instance
- c_mfctl_w
: c_wcr_instance
- c_s_addr_ma()
: InstructionPatterns
- c_s_addr_mb()
: InstructionPatterns
- c_s_addr_notm()
: InstructionPatterns
- cache
: objc_class
- calcLiveness()
: BasicBlock
- calcMayAlias()
: Statement
- calcResults()
: CallStatement
- call
: Localiser, ArgSourceProvider
- call_()
: InstructionPatterns
- call__()
: InstructionPatterns
- call_add()
: InstructionPatterns
- call_restore_imm()
: InstructionPatterns
- call_restore_reg()
: InstructionPatterns
- call_rst_ui_imm()
: InstructionPatterns
- call_rst_ui_reg()
: InstructionPatterns
- CallBypasser()
: CallBypasser
- calleeList
: UserProc
- calleeParams
: ArgSourceProvider
- calleeReturn
: CallStatement
- callerSet
: Proc
- calloc
: _malloc_zone_t
- callSig
: ArgSourceProvider
- callSites
: Cfg
- CallStatement()
: CallStatement
- canPropagateToExp()
: Statement
- canProveNow()
: UserProc
- canRename()
: UserProc, DataFlow
- canRenameLocalsParams()
: DataFlow
- canRestore()
: Memoisable
- capacity
: List
- case_CALL()
: SparcFrontEnd
- case_DD()
: SparcFrontEnd
- case_SCD()
: SparcFrontEnd
- case_SCDAN()
: SparcFrontEnd
- case_SD()
: SparcFrontEnd
- case_unhandled_stub()
: SparcFrontEnd
- caseHead
: BasicBlock
- CaseStatement()
: CaseStatement
- castConst()
: Statement, UserProc
- cat_def_cnt
: objc_symtab
- category_name
: objc_category
- cc
: ArgSourceProvider
- cfg
: StmtImplicitConverter, ImplicitConverter, UserProc, Context
- Cfg
: Cfg, BasicBlock
- CfgTest()
: CfgTest
- change
: ExpPropagator, DfaLocalMapper
- changed
: ExpConstCaster
- changeInputFile()
: Decompiler
- changeOutputPath()
: Decompiler
- CharType()
: CharType
- check
: malloc_introspection_t
- checkConds()
: Cfg
- checkEntryBB()
: Cfg
- checkForGainfulUse()
: UserProc
- checkLocalFor()
: UserProc
- checkMatching()
: DataIntervalMap
- checkMemofType()
: ExpCastInserter
- checkMemSize()
: UserProc
- checkMemSizes()
: UserProc
- checkSum
: exeHeader
- chForm
- children
: Cluster
- CHLLCode()
: CHLLCode
- cksum
: prebind_cksum_command
- class
: Object
- Class()
: Class
- class_methods
: Protocol, objc_category
- class_name
: objc_category
- classes
: ObjcModule
- clear()
: RTL, Prog, RangeMap, LocationSet, StatementVec, StatementList, AssignSet, StatementSet, UseCollector, DefCollector, ConstraintMap, Cfg, StmtVisitorStub
- clear_stack()
: InstructionPatterns
- clearA_phi()
: DataFlow
- clearChanged()
: ExpPropagator
- clearConscripts()
: Statement
- clearLiveEntry()
: CallStatement
- clearMod()
: ExpModifier
- clearNamedTypes()
: Type
- clearRanges()
: Statement, UserProc
- clearUseCollector()
: CallStatement
- clearUses()
: UserProc
- clearVisited()
: Proc
- client
: sub_client_command
- clone()
: LowerType, UpperType, SizeType, UnionType, CompoundType, NamedType, ArrayType, PointerType, CharType, BooleanType, FloatType, IntegerType, FuncType, VoidType, Type, ReturnStatement, CallStatement, CaseStatement, BranchStatement, JunctionStatement, GotoStatement, ImpRefStatement, BoolAssign, ImplicitAssign, PhiAssign, Assign, Assignment, Statement, CustomSignature, Signature, Return, Parameter, RTL, InfiniteLoopSyntaxNode, PostTestedLoopSyntaxNode, PretestedLoopSyntaxNode, IfThenElseSyntaxNode, IfThenSyntaxNode, BlockSyntaxNode, SyntaxNode, Location, TypeVal, RefExp, TypedExp, Ternary, Binary, Unary, Terminal, Const, Exp, CallingConvention::StdC::ST20Signature, CallingConvention::StdC::PPCSignature, CallingConvention::StdC::SparcLibSignature, CallingConvention::StdC::SparcSignature, CallingConvention::StdC::PentiumSignature, CallingConvention::Win32TcSignature, CallingConvention::Win32Signature
- Close()
: Win32BinaryFile, PalmBinaryFile, MachOBinaryFile, HpSomBinaryFile, ExeBinaryFile, ElfBinaryFile, DOS4GWBinaryFile, BinaryFileStub, BinaryFile
- closeCurrentTab()
: MainWindow
- closeInstance()
: FrontEnd
- closeParen()
: CHLLCode
- closeStreams()
: Cluster
- cls_def_cnt
: objc_symtab
- Cluster()
: Cluster
- cluster
: Proc, Context
- clusterUsed()
: Prog
- cmap
: ConstraintMap
- cmd
: fvmfile_command, ident_command, symseg_command, prebind_cksum_command, twolevel_hints_command, dysymtab_command, symtab_command, routines_command, thread_command, dylinker_command, prebound_dylib_command, sub_library_command, sub_umbrella_command, sub_client_command, sub_framework_command, dylib_command, fvmlib_command, segment_command, load_command
- cmdLine()
: Boomerang
- cmdsize
: fvmfile_command, ident_command, symseg_command, prebind_cksum_command, twolevel_hints_command, dysymtab_command, symtab_command, routines_command, thread_command, dylinker_command, prebound_dylib_command, sub_library_command, sub_umbrella_command, sub_client_command, sub_framework_command, dylib_command, fvmlib_command, segment_command, load_command
- cmdTail
- code
: _NXHandler
- codeGenCount
: MainWindow
- col
: ReturnStatement, UserProc
- commandLine()
: Boomerang
- common()
: StmtCastInserter, StmtRegMapper
- commonLhs()
: StmtSsaXformer
- commonPDom()
: Cfg
- commute()
: Binary
- compatibility_version
: dylib
- compForAddress()
: Type
- complete()
: UserProc
- completeMerge()
: Cfg
- ComplexityFinder()
: ComplexityFinder
- CompoundType()
: CompoundType
- compressCfg()
: Cfg
- computedCall()
: NJMCDecoder
- computeDF()
: DataFlow
- computedJump()
: NJMCDecoder
- cond
: PostTestedLoopSyntaxNode, PretestedLoopSyntaxNode, IfThenElseSyntaxNode, IfThenSyntaxNode
- condFollow
: BasicBlock
- conformsTo:
: Protocol, Object
- connect()
: ConnectionGraph
- ConnectionGraph()
: ConnectionGraph
- conscript
: Const
- conSet
: Constraints
- consideringProc()
: Decompiler
- Const()
: Const
- const_iterator
: AssignSet
- ConstFinder()
: ConstFinder
- ConstGlobalConverter()
: ConstGlobalConverter
- constrain()
: ConstraintMap
- constrainSub()
: Binary
- Constraints()
: Constraints
- constrName
: NJMCDecoder
- containsAddr()
: UserProc
- containsBadMemof()
: Exp
- containsFlags()
: Exp
- containsMemof()
: Exp
- Context()
: Context
- conTypeAnalysis
: Prog, UserProc, Boomerang
- conventionName()
: Signature
- convertImplicits()
: DataFlow
- convertToAssign()
: PhiAssign
- convertToDirect()
: CallStatement
- copy
: Object
- copyFromZone:
: Object, List
- correspond
: SyntaxNode
- count
: List, ConnectionGraph, objc_method_description_list, objc_protocol_list, NXHashTable, ComplexityFinder
- countCol
: UsedLocsVisitor
- countRefs()
: UserProc
- countTestCases()
: LoaderTest, FrontSparcTest, FrontPentTest, FrontendTest, TypeTest, StatementTest, RtlTest, ProgTest, ProcTest, ParserTest, ExpTest, DfaTest, CfgTest
- cpusubtype
: mach_header
- cputype
: PEHeader, mach_header, LXHeader
- createBranchRtl()
: ST20Decoder, SparcDecoder, PPCDecoder
- createById()
: FrontEnd
- createDotFile()
: Prog, Exp
- createReturnBlock()
: FrontEnd
- createUnion()
: Type
- cType
: BasicBlock
- cur_memo
: Memoisable
- curConscript
: StmtConscriptSetter, SetConscripts
- current_version
: dylib
- currentTabTextChanged()
: MainWindow
- curType()
: ArgSourceProvider
- CustomSignature()
: CustomSignature
- cycleGrp
: UserProc
Generated on Tue Sep 19 21:18:38 2006 for Boomerang by