Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- a
: Const, StmtVisitorStub
- A_orig
: DataFlow
- A_phi
: DataFlow
- accept()
: ReturnStatement, CallStatement, CaseStatement, BranchStatement, JunctionStatement, GotoStatement, ImpRefStatement, BoolAssign, ImplicitAssign, PhiAssign, Assign, Assignment, Statement, RTL, Location, TypeVal, RefExp, FlagDef, TypedExp, Ternary, Binary, Unary, Terminal, Const, Exp
- Accumulate()
: Exp
- Add()
: SymTab
- add()
: ConnectionGraph
- addArgument()
: CallStatement
- AddAssignmentStatement()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- addaw_d16()
: InstructionPatterns
- addBB()
: Cfg
- AddBreak()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- addCall()
: Cfg
- addCallee()
: UserProc
- addCallees()
: UserProc
- addCaller()
: Proc
- addCallers()
: Proc
- AddCallStatement()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- AddCaseCondElse()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- AddCaseCondEnd()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- AddCaseCondHeader()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- AddCaseCondOption()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- AddCaseCondOptionEnd()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- addChild()
: Cluster
- addConstraints()
: Constraints
- AddContinue()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- addDecodedRtl()
: Prog, FrontEnd
- addDefine()
: CallStatement
- addEllipsis()
: Signature
- AddEndlessLoopEnd()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- AddEndlessLoopHeader()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- addEntryPoint()
: Decompiler
- addEquate()
: EquateMap
- AddGlobal()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- AddGoto()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- addId()
: XMLProgParser
- AddIfCondEnd()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- AddIfCondHeader()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- AddIfElseCondEnd()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- AddIfElseCondHeader()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- AddIfElseCondOption()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- addImplicitAssigns()
: UserProc
- AddIndCallStatement()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- addInEdge()
: BasicBlock
- addItem()
: DataIntervalMap
- addJunctionStatements()
: Cfg
- AddLabel()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- AddLineComment()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- addLiveIn()
: BasicBlock
- addLocal()
: UserProc
- AddLocal()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- addNamedType()
: Type
- addNewOutEdge()
: Cfg
- addObject:
: List
- addObjectIfAbsent:
: List
- addOutEdge()
: Cfg, BasicBlock
- addParameter()
: Signature, UserProc, CallingConvention::StdC::ST20Signature, CallingConvention::StdC::PPCSignature, CallingConvention::StdC::SparcSignature, CallingConvention::StdC::PentiumSignature, CallingConvention::Win32Signature
- addParameterSymbols()
: UserProc
- AddPosttestedLoopEnd()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- AddPosttestedLoopHeader()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- addPreferedParameter()
: Signature
- AddPretestedLoopEnd()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- AddPretestedLoopHeader()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- AddProcDec()
: CHLLCode
- AddProcEnd()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- AddProcStart()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- AddPrototype()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- addr
: section, ObjcMethod
- addr_index
: addr_instance
- addr_ldo
: addr_instance
- addr_lldisp
: addr_instance
- addr_lsdisp
: addr_instance
- addr_sldisp
: addr_instance
- addr_ssdisp
: addr_instance
- addRange()
: RangeMap
- addRefHint()
: FrontEnd
- addRegister()
: RTLInstDict
- addReloc()
: PentiumDecoder, Prog
- AddRelocsAsSyms()
: ElfBinaryFile
- address
: vm_range_t, Register, Proc
- addressEscapedVars
: UserProc
- addressExp
: ImpRefStatement
- addReturn()
: ReturnStatement, Signature, CallingConvention::StdC::ST20Signature, CallingConvention::StdC::PPCSignature, CallingConvention::StdC::SparcSignature, CallingConvention::StdC::PentiumSignature, CallingConvention::Win32Signature
- AddReturnStatement()
: CHLLCode, HLLCode
- addrfmt
: disasm_fmt_t
- addRTL()
: BasicBlock
- addSigParam()
: CallStatement
- addStatement()
: BlockSyntaxNode
- addSubscript()
: LocationSet, RefExp
- addSuccessors()
: InfiniteLoopSyntaxNode, PostTestedLoopSyntaxNode, PretestedLoopSyntaxNode, IfThenElseSyntaxNode, IfThenSyntaxNode, BlockSyntaxNode, SyntaxNode
- AddSymbol()
: Win32BinaryFile, MachOBinaryFile, ElfBinaryFile, DOS4GWBinaryFile, FrontEnd, BinaryFile
- AddSyms()
: ElfBinaryFile
- addToScore()
: SyntaxNode
- addToStackMap()
: UserProc
- addType()
: UnionType, CompoundType
- addUsedLocals()
: Statement
- addUsedLocs()
: Statement, Exp
- addWatcher()
: Boomerang
- adjustFixedDest()
: GotoStatement
- alert_baddecode()
: Boomerang, Watcher
- alert_complete()
: Boomerang, Watcher
- alert_considering()
: Decompiler, Boomerang, Watcher
- alert_decode()
: Boomerang, Watcher
- alert_decompile_afterPropagate()
: Boomerang, Watcher
- alert_decompile_afterRemoveStmts()
: Boomerang, Watcher
- alert_decompile_beforePropagate()
: Boomerang, Watcher
- alert_decompile_debug_point()
: Decompiler, Boomerang, Watcher
- alert_decompile_SSADepth()
: Boomerang, Watcher
- alert_decompiling()
: Decompiler, Boomerang, Watcher
- alert_end_decode()
: Boomerang, Watcher
- alert_end_decompile()
: Boomerang, Watcher
- alert_load()
: Boomerang, Watcher
- alert_new()
: Decompiler, Boomerang, Watcher
- alert_proc_status_change()
: Boomerang, Watcher
- alert_remove()
: Decompiler, Boomerang, Watcher
- alert_start_decode()
: Boomerang, Watcher
- alert_start_decompile()
: Boomerang, Watcher
- alert_update_signature()
: Decompiler, Boomerang, Watcher
- AliasMap
: RTLInstDict
- align
: section
- alignment
: subspace_dictionary_record
- Aline()
: InstructionPatterns
- all
: UsedLocalFinder
- alloc
: Object
- allocFromZone:
: Object
- allParentsGenerated()
: BasicBlock
- allSimplify()
- alphaSubst()
: Constraints
- amap
: SymTab
- ancestor
: DataFlow
- ancestorWithLowestSemi()
: DataFlow
- append()
: StatementVec, StatementList, InsNameElem
- appendArgument()
: CallStatement
- appendAssignment()
: SparcFrontEnd
- appendBBs()
: Cfg
- appendDotFile()
: FlagDef, TypedExp, Ternary, Binary, Unary, Terminal, Const, Exp
- appendExp()
: CHLLCode
- appendLine()
: CHLLCode
- appendList:
: List
- appendListStmt()
- appendParameter()
: Signature
- appendReturn()
: Signature
- appendRTL()
: TableEntry, RTL
- appendStmt()
- appendSyntheticReturn()
: FrontEnd
- appendToDict()
: RTLInstDict
- appendType()
: CHLLCode
- appendTypeIdent()
: CHLLCode
- applyAllTo()
: ExpTransformer
- applyRelocations()
: ElfBinaryFile
- applyTo()
: ExpTransformer
- ArchiveFile
: BinaryFile
- areFlagsAffected()
- ArgSourceProvider()
: ArgSourceProvider
- argumentCompare()
: Signature, CallingConvention::StdC::SparcSignature, CallingConvention::StdC::PentiumSignature
- arguments
: CallStatement
- ArrayType()
: ArrayType
- asArray()
: Type
- asBoolean()
: Type
- ascendType()
: RefExp, TypedExp, Ternary, Binary, Unary, Terminal, Const, Exp
- asChar()
: Type
- asCompound()
: Type
- aset
: AssignSet
- asFloat()
: Type
- asFunc()
: Type
- asgn
: ParamEntry
- asInteger()
: Type
- asLower()
: Type
- asNamed()
: Type
- asPointer()
: Type
- Assign()
: Assign
- Assignment()
: Assignment
- assignProcsToCalls()
: UserProc
- asSize()
: Type
- assumeABI
: Boomerang
- asUnion()
: Type
- asUpper()
: Type
- asVoid()
: Type
- autodsobjectnum
: LXHeader
- avoid_empty_structures
: c_faddr_instance, c_addr_instance, c_bit_instance, c_wcr_instance, c_null_instance, c_c_instance
- awake
: Object
Generated on Tue Sep 19 21:18:38 2006 for Boomerang by