
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (C) 2000, The University of Queensland
00003  * Copyright (C) 2001, Sun Microsystems, Inc
00004  * Copyright (C) 2002, Trent Waddington
00005  *
00006  * See the file "LICENSE.TERMS" for information on usage and
00007  * redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
00008  * WARRANTIES.
00009  *
00010  */
00012 /* File:
00013  * $Revision: 1.6 $
00014  * Desc: This file contains the implementation of the class DOS4GWBinaryFile.
00015  */
00017 /* DOS4GW binary file format.
00018  *  This file implements the class DOS4GWBinaryFile, derived from class
00019  *  BinaryFile. See DOS4GWBinaryFile.h and BinaryFile.h for details.
00020  * 24 Jan 05 - Trent: created.
00021  */
00023 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1200
00024 #pragma warning(disable:4786)
00025 #endif
00027 #include "BinaryFile.h"
00028 #include "DOS4GWBinaryFile.h"
00029 #include "config.h"
00030 #include <iostream>
00031 #include <sstream>
00032 #include <assert.h>
00034 extern "C" {
00035     int microX86Dis(void* p);           // From microX86dis.c
00036 }
00038 DOS4GWBinaryFile::DOS4GWBinaryFile() : m_pFileName(0)
00039 { }
00041 DOS4GWBinaryFile::~DOS4GWBinaryFile()
00042 {
00043     for (int i=0; i < m_iNumSections; i++) {
00044         if (m_pSections[i].pSectionName)
00045             ; //delete [] m_pSections[i].pSectionName;
00046     }
00047     // if (m_pSections) delete [] m_pSections;
00048 }
00050 bool DOS4GWBinaryFile::Open(const char* sName) {
00051     //return Load(sName) != 0;
00052     return false;
00053 }
00055 void DOS4GWBinaryFile::Close() {
00056     UnLoad();
00057 }
00059 std::list<SectionInfo*>& DOS4GWBinaryFile::GetEntryPoints(
00060     const char* pEntry)
00061 {
00062     fprintf(stderr,"really don't know how to implement GetEntryPoints\n");
00063     exit(0);
00064     static std::list<SectionInfo*> l;
00065     return l;
00066 }
00068 ADDRESS DOS4GWBinaryFile::GetEntryPoint()
00069 {
00070     return (ADDRESS)(LMMH(m_pLXObjects[LMMH(m_pLXHeader->eipobjectnum)].RelocBaseAddr) + LMMH(m_pLXHeader->eip));
00071 }
00073 ADDRESS DOS4GWBinaryFile::GetMainEntryPoint() {
00074     ADDRESS aMain = GetAddressByName ("main", true);
00075     if (aMain != NO_ADDRESS)
00076         return aMain;
00077     aMain = GetAddressByName ("__CMain", true);
00078     if (aMain != NO_ADDRESS)
00079         return aMain;
00081     // Search with this crude pattern: call, sub ebp, ebp, call __Cmain in the first 0x300 bytes
00082     // Start at program entry point
00083     unsigned p = LMMH(m_pLXHeader->eip);
00084     unsigned lim = p + 0x300;
00085     unsigned char op1, op2;
00086     unsigned addr, lastOrdCall = 0;
00087     bool gotSubEbp = false;         // True if see sub ebp, ebp
00088     bool lastWasCall = false;       // True if the last instruction was a call
00090     SectionInfo* si = GetSectionInfoByName("seg0");     // Assume the first section is text
00091     if (si == NULL) si = GetSectionInfoByName(".text");
00092     if (si == NULL) si = GetSectionInfoByName("CODE");
00093     assert(si);
00094     ADDRESS nativeOrigin = si->uNativeAddr;
00095     unsigned textSize = si->uSectionSize;
00096     if (textSize < 0x300)
00097         lim = p + textSize;
00099     while (p < lim) {
00100         op1 = *(unsigned char*)(p + base);
00101         op2 = *(unsigned char*)(p + base + 1);
00102         //std::cerr << std::hex << "At " << p << ", ops " << (unsigned)op1 << ", " << (unsigned)op2 << std::dec << "\n";
00103         switch (op1) {
00104             case 0xE8: {
00105                 // An ordinary call
00106                 if (gotSubEbp) {
00107                     // This is the call we want. Get the offset from the call instruction
00108                     addr = nativeOrigin + p + 5 + LMMH(*(p + base + 1));
00109                     // std::cerr << "__CMain at " << std::hex << addr << "\n";
00110                     return addr;
00111                 }
00112                 lastOrdCall = p;
00113                 lastWasCall = true;
00114                 break;
00115             }
00116             case 0x2B:          // 0x2B 0xED is sub ebp,ebp
00117                 if (op2 == 0xED && lastWasCall)
00118                     gotSubEbp = true;
00119                 lastWasCall = false;
00120                 break;
00121             default:
00122                 gotSubEbp = false;
00123                 lastWasCall = false;
00124                 break;
00125             case 0xEB:                  // Short relative jump
00126                 if (op2 >= 0x80)        // Branch backwards?
00127                     break;              // Yes, just ignore it
00128                 // Otherwise, actually follow the branch. May have to modify this some time...
00129                 p += op2+2;             // +2 for the instruction itself, and op2 for the displacement
00130                 continue;               // Don't break, we have the new "pc" set already
00131         }
00132         int size = microX86Dis(p + base);
00133         if (size == 0x40) {
00134             fprintf(stderr, "Warning! Microdisassembler out of step at offset 0x%x\n", p);
00135             size = 1;
00136         }
00137         p += size;
00138     }
00139     return NO_ADDRESS;
00140 }
00143 bool DOS4GWBinaryFile::RealLoad(const char* sName)
00144 {
00145     m_pFileName = sName;
00146     FILE *fp = fopen(sName,"rb");
00148     DWord lxoffLE, lxoff;
00149     fseek(fp, 0x3c, SEEK_SET);
00150     fread(&lxoffLE, 4, 1, fp);      // Note: peoffLE will be in Little Endian
00151     lxoff = LMMH(lxoffLE);
00153     fseek(fp, lxoff, SEEK_SET);
00154     m_pLXHeader = new LXHeader;
00156     fread(m_pLXHeader, sizeof(LXHeader), 1, fp);
00158     if (m_pLXHeader->sigLo != 'L' || (m_pLXHeader->sigHi != 'X' && m_pLXHeader->sigHi != 'E')) {
00159         fprintf(stderr,"error loading file %s, bad LE/LX magic\n", sName);
00160         return false;
00161     }
00163     fseek(fp, lxoff + LMMH(m_pLXHeader->objtbloffset), SEEK_SET);
00164     m_pLXObjects = new LXObject[LMMH(m_pLXHeader->numobjsinmodule)];
00165     fread(m_pLXObjects, sizeof(LXObject), LMMH(m_pLXHeader->numobjsinmodule), fp);
00167     // at this point we're supposed to read in the page table and fuss around with it
00168     // but I'm just going to assume the file is flat.
00169 #if 0
00170     unsigned npagetblentries = 0;
00171     m_cbImage = 0;
00172     for (unsigned n = 0; n < LMMH(m_pLXHeader->numobjsinmodule); n++) {
00173         if (LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].PageTblIdx) + LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].NumPageTblEntries) - 1 > npagetblentries)
00174             npagetblentries = LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].PageTblIdx) + LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].NumPageTblEntries) - 1;
00175         if (LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].ObjectFlags) & 0x40)
00176             if (LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].RelocBaseAddr) + LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].VirtualSize) > m_cbImage)
00177                 m_cbImage = LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].RelocBaseAddr) + LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].VirtualSize);
00178     }
00179     m_cbImage -= LMMH(m_pLXObjects[0].RelocBaseAddr);
00181     fseek(fp, lxoff + LMMH(m_pLXHeader->objpagetbloffset), SEEK_SET);
00182     m_pLXPages = new LXPage[npagetblentries];
00183     fread(m_pLXPages, sizeof(LXPage), npagetblentries, fp);
00184 #endif
00186     unsigned npages = 0;
00187     m_cbImage = 0;
00188     for (unsigned n = 0; n < LMMH(m_pLXHeader->numobjsinmodule); n++)
00189         if (LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].ObjectFlags) & 0x40) {
00190             if (LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].PageTblIdx) + LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].NumPageTblEntries) - 1 > npages)
00191                 npages = LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].PageTblIdx) + LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].NumPageTblEntries) - 1;
00192             m_cbImage = LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].RelocBaseAddr) + LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].VirtualSize);
00193         }
00195     m_cbImage -= LMMH(m_pLXObjects[0].RelocBaseAddr);
00197     base = (char *)malloc(m_cbImage);
00199     m_iNumSections = LMMH(m_pLXHeader->numobjsinmodule);
00200     m_pSections = new SectionInfo[m_iNumSections];
00201     for (unsigned n = 0; n < LMMH(m_pLXHeader->numobjsinmodule); n++) 
00202         if (LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].ObjectFlags) & 0x40){
00203             printf("vsize %x reloc %x flags %x page %i npage %i\n", 
00204                 LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].VirtualSize), LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].RelocBaseAddr), 
00205                 LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].ObjectFlags), LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].PageTblIdx),
00206                 LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].NumPageTblEntries));
00208             m_pSections[n].pSectionName = new char[9];
00209             sprintf(m_pSections[n].pSectionName, "seg%i", n);   // no section names in LX
00210             m_pSections[n].uNativeAddr=(ADDRESS)LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].RelocBaseAddr);
00211             m_pSections[n].uHostAddr=(ADDRESS)(LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].RelocBaseAddr) - LMMH(m_pLXObjects[0].RelocBaseAddr) + base);
00212             m_pSections[n].uSectionSize=LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].VirtualSize);
00213             DWord Flags = LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].ObjectFlags);
00214             m_pSections[n].bBss     = 0; // TODO
00215             m_pSections[n].bCode        = Flags&0x4?1:0;
00216             m_pSections[n].bData        = Flags&0x4?0:1;
00217             m_pSections[n].bReadOnly    = Flags&0x1?0:1;
00219             fseek(fp, m_pLXHeader->datapagesoffset + (LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].PageTblIdx) - 1) * LMMH(m_pLXHeader->pagesize), SEEK_SET);
00220             char *p = base + LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].RelocBaseAddr) - LMMH(m_pLXObjects[0].RelocBaseAddr);
00221             fread(p, LMMH(m_pLXObjects[n].NumPageTblEntries), LMMH(m_pLXHeader->pagesize), fp);
00222         }
00224     // TODO: decode entry tables
00227 #if 0
00228     // you probably don't want this, it's a bunch of symbols I pulled out of a disassmbly of a binary I'm working on.
00229     dlprocptrs[0x101ac] = "main";
00230     dlprocptrs[0x10a24] = "vfprintf";
00231     dlprocptrs[0x12d2c] = "atoi";
00232     dlprocptrs[0x12d74] = "malloc";
00233     dlprocptrs[0x12d84] = "__LastFree";
00234     dlprocptrs[0x12eaa] = "__ExpandDGROUP";
00235     dlprocptrs[0x130a7] = "free";
00236     dlprocptrs[0x130b7] = "_nfree";
00237     dlprocptrs[0x130dc] = "start";
00238     dlprocptrs[0x132fa] = "__exit_";
00239     dlprocptrs[0x132fc] = "__exit_with_msg_";
00240     dlprocptrs[0x1332a] = "__GETDS";
00241     dlprocptrs[0x13332] = "inp";
00242     dlprocptrs[0x1333d] = "outp";
00243     dlprocptrs[0x13349] = "_dos_getvect";
00244     dlprocptrs[0x13383] = "_dos_setvect";
00245     dlprocptrs[0x133ba] = "int386";
00246     dlprocptrs[0x133f9] = "sprintf";
00247     dlprocptrs[0x13423] = "vsprintf";
00248     dlprocptrs[0x13430] = "segread";
00249     dlprocptrs[0x1345d] = "int386x";
00250     dlprocptrs[0x1347e] = "creat";
00251     dlprocptrs[0x13493] = "setmode";
00252     dlprocptrs[0x1355f] = "close";
00253     dlprocptrs[0x1384a] = "read";
00254     dlprocptrs[0x13940] = "write";
00255     dlprocptrs[0x13b2e] = "filelength";
00256     dlprocptrs[0x13b74] = "printf";
00257     dlprocptrs[0x13b94] = "__null_int23_exit";
00258     dlprocptrs[0x13b95] = "exit";
00259     dlprocptrs[0x13bad] = "_exit";
00260     dlprocptrs[0x13bc4] = "tell";
00261     dlprocptrs[0x13cba] = "rewind";
00262     dlprocptrs[0x13cd3] = "fread";
00263     dlprocptrs[0x13fe1] = "strcat";
00264     dlprocptrs[0x1401c] = "__open_flags";
00265     dlprocptrs[0x141a8] = "fopen";
00266     dlprocptrs[0x141d0] = "freopen";
00267     dlprocptrs[0x142c4] = "__MemAllocator";
00268     dlprocptrs[0x14374] = "__MemFree";
00269     dlprocptrs[0x1447f] = "__nmemneed";
00270     dlprocptrs[0x14487] = "sbrk";
00271     dlprocptrs[0x14524] = "__brk";
00272     dlprocptrs[0x145d0] = "__CMain";
00273     dlprocptrs[0x145ff] = "_init_files";
00274     dlprocptrs[0x1464c] = "__InitRtns";
00275     dlprocptrs[0x1468b] = "__FiniRtns";
00276     dlprocptrs[0x146ca] = "__prtf";
00277     dlprocptrs[0x14f58] = "__int386x_";
00278     dlprocptrs[0x14fb3] = "_DoINTR_";
00279     dlprocptrs[0x15330] = "__Init_Argv";
00280     dlprocptrs[0x15481] = "isatty";
00281     dlprocptrs[0x154a1] = "_dosret0";
00282     dlprocptrs[0x154bd] = "_dsretax";
00283     dlprocptrs[0x154d4] = "_EINVAL";
00284     dlprocptrs[0x154e5] = "_set_errno";
00285     dlprocptrs[0x15551] = "__CHK";
00286     dlprocptrs[0x15561] = "__STK";
00287     dlprocptrs[0x15578] = "__STKOVERFLOW";
00288     dlprocptrs[0x15588] = "__GRO";
00289     dlprocptrs[0x155c2] = "__fprtf";
00290     dlprocptrs[0x15640] = "__ioalloc";
00291     dlprocptrs[0x156c3] = "__chktty";
00292     dlprocptrs[0x156f0] = "__qread";
00293     dlprocptrs[0x15721] = "fgetc";
00294     dlprocptrs[0x1578f] = "__filbuf";
00295     dlprocptrs[0x157b9] = "__fill_buffer";
00296     dlprocptrs[0x15864] = "fflush";
00297     dlprocptrs[0x1591c] = "ftell";
00298     dlprocptrs[0x15957] = "tolower";
00299     dlprocptrs[0x159b4] = "remove";
00300     dlprocptrs[0x159e9] = "utoa";
00301     dlprocptrs[0x15a36] = "itoa";
00302     dlprocptrs[0x15a97] = "ultoa";
00303     dlprocptrs[0x15ae4] = "ltoa";
00304     dlprocptrs[0x15b14] = "toupper";
00305     dlprocptrs[0x15b29] = "fputc";
00306     dlprocptrs[0x15bca] = "__full_io_exit";
00307     dlprocptrs[0x15c0b] = "fcloseall";
00308     dlprocptrs[0x15c3e] = "flushall";
00309     dlprocptrs[0x15c49] = "__flushall";
00310     dlprocptrs[0x15c85] = "getche";
00311     dlprocptrs[0x15caa] = "__qwrite";
00312     dlprocptrs[0x15d1f] = "unlink";
00313     dlprocptrs[0x15d43] = "putch";
00314 #endif
00316     // fixups
00317     fseek(fp, LMMH(m_pLXHeader->fixuppagetbloffset) + lxoff, SEEK_SET);
00318     unsigned int *fixuppagetbl = new unsigned int[npages+1];
00319     fread(fixuppagetbl, sizeof(unsigned int), npages+1, fp);
00321     //for (unsigned n = 0; n < npages; n++)
00322     //    printf("offset for page %i: %x\n", n + 1, fixuppagetbl[n]);
00323     //printf("offset to end of fixup rec: %x\n", fixuppagetbl[npages]);
00325     fseek(fp, LMMH(m_pLXHeader->fixuprecordtbloffset) + lxoff, SEEK_SET);
00326     LXFixup fixup;
00327     unsigned srcpage = 0;
00328     do {
00329         fread(&fixup, sizeof(fixup), 1, fp);
00330         if (fixup.src != 7 || (fixup.flags & ~0x50)) {
00331             fprintf(stderr, "unknown fixup type %02x %02x\n", fixup.src, fixup.flags);
00332             return false;
00333         }
00334         //printf("srcpage = %i srcoff = %x object = %02x trgoff = %x\n", srcpage + 1, fixup.srcoff, fixup.object, fixup.trgoff);
00335         unsigned long src = srcpage * LMMH(m_pLXHeader->pagesize) + (short)LMMHw(fixup.srcoff);
00336         unsigned short object = 0;
00337         if (fixup.flags & 0x40)
00338             fread(&object, 2, 1, fp);
00339         else
00340             fread(&object, 1, 1, fp);
00341         unsigned int trgoff = 0;
00342         if (fixup.flags & 0x10)
00343             fread(&trgoff, 4, 1, fp);
00344         else
00345             fread(&trgoff, 2, 1, fp);
00346         unsigned long target = LMMH(m_pLXObjects[object - 1].RelocBaseAddr) + LMMHw(trgoff);
00347 //        printf("relocate dword at %x to point to %x\n", src, target);
00348         *(unsigned int *)(base + src) = target;
00350         while (ftell(fp) - (LMMH(m_pLXHeader->fixuprecordtbloffset) + lxoff) >= LMMH(fixuppagetbl[srcpage+1]))
00351             srcpage++;
00352     } while (srcpage < npages);
00354     fclose(fp);
00355     return true;
00356 }
00358 bool DOS4GWBinaryFile::IsDynamicLinkedProc(ADDRESS uNative)
00359 {
00360     if (dlprocptrs.find(uNative) != dlprocptrs.end() && 
00361         dlprocptrs[uNative] != "main" && dlprocptrs[uNative] != "_start")
00362         return true;
00363     return false;
00364 }
00366 // Clean up and unload the binary image
00367 void DOS4GWBinaryFile::UnLoad()
00368 {
00369 } 
00371 bool DOS4GWBinaryFile::PostLoad(void* handle)
00372 {
00373     return false;
00374 }
00376 const char* DOS4GWBinaryFile::SymbolByAddress(ADDRESS dwAddr)
00377 {
00378     std::map<ADDRESS, std::string>::iterator it = dlprocptrs.find(dwAddr);
00379     if (it == dlprocptrs.end())
00380         return 0;
00381     return (char*) it->second.c_str();
00382 }
00384 ADDRESS DOS4GWBinaryFile::GetAddressByName(const char* pName,
00385     bool bNoTypeOK /* = false */) {
00386     // This is "looking up the wrong way" and hopefully is uncommon
00387     // Use linear search
00388     std::map<ADDRESS, std::string>::iterator it = dlprocptrs.begin();
00389     while (it != dlprocptrs.end()) {
00390         // std::cerr << "Symbol: " << it->second.c_str() << " at 0x" << std::hex << it->first << "\n";
00391         if (strcmp(it->second.c_str(), pName) == 0)
00392             return it->first;
00393         it++;
00394     }
00395     return NO_ADDRESS;
00396 }
00398 void DOS4GWBinaryFile::AddSymbol(ADDRESS uNative, const char *pName)
00399 {
00400     dlprocptrs[uNative] = pName;
00401 }
00403 bool DOS4GWBinaryFile::DisplayDetails(const char* fileName, FILE* f
00404      /* = stdout */)
00405 {
00406     return false;
00407 }
00409 int DOS4GWBinaryFile::dos4gwRead2(short* ps) const {
00410     unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)ps;
00411     // Little endian
00412     int n = (int)(p[0] + (p[1] << 8));
00413     return n;
00414 }
00416 int DOS4GWBinaryFile::dos4gwRead4(int* pi) const{
00417     short* p = (short*)pi;
00418     int n1 = dos4gwRead2(p);
00419     int n2 = dos4gwRead2(p+1);
00420     int n = (int) (n1 | (n2 << 16));
00421     return n;
00422 }
00424 // Read 2 bytes from given native address
00425 int DOS4GWBinaryFile::readNative1(ADDRESS nat) {
00426     PSectionInfo si = GetSectionInfoByAddr(nat);
00427     if (si == 0) 
00428         si = GetSectionInfo(0);
00429     char* host = (char*)(si->uHostAddr - si->uNativeAddr + nat);
00430     return *host;
00431 }
00433 // Read 2 bytes from given native address
00434 int DOS4GWBinaryFile::readNative2(ADDRESS nat) {
00435     PSectionInfo si = GetSectionInfoByAddr(nat);
00436     if (si == 0) return 0;
00437     ADDRESS host = si->uHostAddr - si->uNativeAddr + nat;
00438     int n = dos4gwRead2((short*)host);
00439     return n;
00440 }
00442 // Read 4 bytes from given native address
00443 int DOS4GWBinaryFile::readNative4(ADDRESS nat) {
00444     PSectionInfo si = GetSectionInfoByAddr(nat);
00445     if (si == 0) return 0;
00446     ADDRESS host = si->uHostAddr - si->uNativeAddr + nat;
00447     int n = dos4gwRead4((int*)host);
00448     return n;
00449 }
00451 // Read 8 bytes from given native address
00452 QWord DOS4GWBinaryFile::readNative8(ADDRESS nat) {
00453     int raw[2];
00454 #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN      // This tests the host machine
00455     // Source and host are different endianness
00456     raw[1] = readNative4(nat);
00457     raw[0] = readNative4(nat+4);
00458 #else
00459     // Source and host are same endianness
00460     raw[0] = readNative4(nat);
00461     raw[1] = readNative4(nat+4);
00462 #endif
00463     return *(QWord*)raw;
00464 }
00466 // Read 4 bytes as a float
00467 float DOS4GWBinaryFile::readNativeFloat4(ADDRESS nat) {
00468     int raw = readNative4(nat);
00469     // Ugh! gcc says that reinterpreting from int to float is invalid!!
00470     //return reinterpret_cast<float>(raw);      // Note: cast, not convert!!
00471     return *(float*)&raw;                       // Note: cast, not convert
00472 }
00474 // Read 8 bytes as a float
00475 double DOS4GWBinaryFile::readNativeFloat8(ADDRESS nat) {
00476     int raw[2];
00477 #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN      // This tests the host machine
00478     // Source and host are different endianness
00479     raw[1] = readNative4(nat);
00480     raw[0] = readNative4(nat+4);
00481 #else
00482     // Source and host are same endianness
00483     raw[0] = readNative4(nat);
00484     raw[1] = readNative4(nat+4);
00485 #endif
00486     //return reinterpret_cast<double>(*raw);    // Note: cast, not convert!!
00487     return *(double*)raw;
00488 }
00490 bool DOS4GWBinaryFile::IsDynamicLinkedProcPointer(ADDRESS uNative)
00491 {
00492     if (dlprocptrs.find(uNative) != dlprocptrs.end())
00493         return true;
00494     return false;
00495 }
00497 const char *DOS4GWBinaryFile::GetDynamicProcName(ADDRESS uNative)
00498 {
00499     return dlprocptrs[uNative].c_str();
00500 }
00502 LOAD_FMT DOS4GWBinaryFile::GetFormat() const
00503 {
00504     return LOADFMT_LX;
00505 }
00507 MACHINE DOS4GWBinaryFile::GetMachine() const
00508 {
00509     return MACHINE_PENTIUM;
00510 }
00512 bool DOS4GWBinaryFile::isLibrary() const
00513 {
00514     return false; // TODO
00515 }
00517 ADDRESS DOS4GWBinaryFile::getImageBase()
00518 {
00519     return m_pLXObjects[0].RelocBaseAddr;
00520 }
00522 size_t DOS4GWBinaryFile::getImageSize()
00523 {
00524     return 0; // TODO
00525 }
00527 std::list<const char *> DOS4GWBinaryFile::getDependencyList()
00528 {
00529     return std::list<const char *>(); /* FIXME */
00530 }
00532 DWord DOS4GWBinaryFile::getDelta()
00533 {
00534     // Stupid function anyway: delta depends on section
00535     // This should work for the header only
00536     //  return (DWord)base - LMMH(m_pPEHeader->Imagebase); 
00537     return (DWord)base - (DWord)m_pLXObjects[0].RelocBaseAddr;
00538 }
00540 // This function is called via dlopen/dlsym; it returns a new BinaryFile
00541 // derived concrete object. After this object is returned, the virtual function
00542 // call mechanism will call the rest of the code in this library
00543 // It needs to be C linkage so that it its name is not mangled
00544 extern "C" {
00545 #ifdef _WIN32
00546     __declspec(dllexport)
00547 #endif
00548     BinaryFile* construct()
00549     {
00550         return new DOS4GWBinaryFile;
00551     }    
00552 }

Generated on Tue Sep 19 21:18:22 2006 for Boomerang by  doxygen 1.4.6