Object.h File Reference

#include <objc/objc-runtime.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  Object
category  Object(Archiving)
category  Object(DynamicLoading)


OBJC_EXPORT id object_copy (Object *anObject, unsigned nBytes)
OBJC_EXPORT id object_copyFromZone (Object *anObject, unsigned nBytes, void *z)
OBJC_EXPORT id object_dispose (Object *anObject)
OBJC_EXPORT id object_realloc (Object *anObject, unsigned nBytes)
OBJC_EXPORT id object_reallocFromZone (Object *anObject, unsigned nBytes, void *z)

Function Documentation

OBJC_EXPORT id object_copy Object anObject,
unsigned  nBytes

OBJC_EXPORT id object_copyFromZone Object anObject,
unsigned  nBytes,
void *  z

OBJC_EXPORT id object_dispose Object anObject  ) 

OBJC_EXPORT id object_realloc Object anObject,
unsigned  nBytes

OBJC_EXPORT id object_reallocFromZone Object anObject,
unsigned  nBytes,
void *  z

Generated on Tue Sep 19 21:18:37 2006 for Boomerang by  doxygen 1.4.6