
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*==============================================================================
00002  * FILE:       operator.h
00003  * OVERVIEW:   Declares the enum OPER, which is used within class Exp to
00004  *              denote what the top level operator is
00005  *============================================================================*/
00006 /*
00007  * $Revision: 1.27 $    //
00008  *
00009  * 05 Apr 02 - Mike: Created
00010  * 12 Apr 02 - Mike: INDEX -> OPER
00011  */
00013 // The OPER (and integer representation) of expressions (they can be a fair
00014 // bit different from operators)
00015 enum OPER
00016 {
00017     // Operators
00018     opWild = -1,            // Wildcard (Terminal for search Exps only)
00019     opPlus,                 // Binary addition
00020     opMinus,                // Binary subtraction
00021     opMult,                 // Multiplication
00022     opDiv,                  // Integer division
00023     opFPlus,                // Binary addition(single floats)
00024     opFMinus,               // Binary subtraction(single floats)
00025     opFMult,                // Multiplication(single floats)
00026     opFDiv,                 // (single floats)
00027     opFNeg,                 // Floating point negate
00028     opFPlusd,               // addition(double floats)
00029     opFMinusd,              // subtraction(double floats)
00030     opFMultd,               // Multiplication(double floats)
00031     opFDivd,                // Integer division(double floats)
00032     opFPlusq,               // addition(quad floats)
00033     opFMinusq,              // subtraction(quad floats)
00034     opFMultq,               // Multiplication(quad floats)
00035     opFDivq,                // division(quad floats)
00036     opFMultsd,              // Multiplication(single floats--> double floats)
00037     opFMultdq,              // Multiplication(single floats--> double floats)
00038     opSQRTs,                // sqrt of a single
00039     opSQRTd,                // sqrt of a double
00040     opSQRTq,                // sqrt of a quad
00042     opMults,                // Multiply signed
00043     opDivs,                 // Divide signed
00044     opMod,                  // Remainder of integer division
00045     opMods,                 // Remainder of signed integer division
00046     opNeg,                  // Unary minus
00048     opAnd,                  // Logical and
00049     opOr,                   // Logical or
00050     opEquals,               // Equality (logical)
00051     opNotEqual,             // Logical !=
00052     opLess,                 // Logical less than (signed)
00053     opGtr,                  // Logical greater than (signed)
00054     opLessEq,               // Logical <= (signed)
00055     opGtrEq,                // Logical >= (signed)
00056     opLessUns,              // Logical less than (unsigned)
00057     opGtrUns,               // Logical greater than (unsigned)
00058     opLessEqUns,            // Logical <= (unsigned)
00059     opGtrEqUns,             // Logical >= (unsigned)
00060     opUpper,                // Greater (signed or unsigned; used by switch code)
00061     opLower,                // Less than signed or unsigned; used by switch code
00063     opNot,                  // Bitwise inversion
00064     opLNot,                 // Logical not
00065     opSignExt,              // Sign extend
00066     opBitAnd,               // Bitwise and
00067     opBitOr,                // Bitwise or
00068     opBitXor,               // Bitwise xor
00069     opShiftL,               // Left shift
00070     opShiftR,               // Right shift
00071     opShiftRA,              // Right shift arithmetic
00072     opRotateL,              // Rotate left
00073     opRotateR,              // Rotate right
00074     opRotateLC,             // Rotate left through carry
00075     opRotateRC,             // Rotate right through carry
00076     opTargetInst,           // Target specific instruction (Unary)
00077                             // See frontend.cc for details
00079     opTypedExp,             // Typed expression
00080     opNamedExp,             // Named expression (binary, subExp1 = Const("name"), subExp2 = exp)
00081     opGuard,                // Guarded expression (should be assignment)
00082     // The below is (and should) probably no longer used. Use opList instead
00083     opComma,                // Separate expressions in a list (e.g. params)
00084     opFlagCall,             // A flag call (Binary with string and params)
00085     opFlagDef,              // A flag function definition (class FlagDef)
00086     opList,                 // A binary, with expression (1) and next element
00087                             //  in chain (2). Last element in chain is opNil
00088     // Next three are for parser use only. Binary with name of table and name
00089     // of string as Const string subexpressions. Actual table info held in the
00090     // TableDict object
00091     opNameTable,            // A table of strings
00092     opExpTable,             // A table of expressions
00093     // Actually, opOptable needs 4 subexpressions (table, index, and two
00094     // expressions to operate on), so it's actually a Ternary with table,
00095     // index, and a list of expressions to operate on. This actually allows
00096     // more generality, e.g. unary or ternary operators int the table
00097     opOpTable,              // A table of operators
00098     opSuccessor,            // Get the successor register of this parameter
00100     opTern,                 // Ternary (i.e. ? : )
00101     opAt,                   // Bit extraction (expr@first:last in that order)
00103     opRegOf,                // Represents r[]
00104     opMemOf,                // Represents m[]
00105     opAddrOf,               // Represents a[]
00106     opWildMemOf,            // m[wild],
00107     opWildRegOf,            // r[wild],
00108     opWildAddrOf,           // a[wild],
00109     opDefineAll,            // A wild definition
00110     opVar,                  // Represents l[] (recovered locations)
00111     opPhi,                  // Represents phi(a1, a2, a3) .. ie SSA form merging
00112     opSubscript,            // Represents subscript(e, n) .. ie SSA renaming
00113     opParam,                // SSL parameter param`'
00114     opArg,                  // Used a temporary for arguments to calls
00115     opLocal,                // used to represent a local, takes a string
00116     opGlobal,               // used to represent a global, takes a string
00117     opExpand,               // Expandable expression
00118     opMemberAccess,         // . and -> in C
00119     opArrayIndex,           // [] in C
00120     opTemp,                 // Temp register name
00121     opSize,                 // Size specifier
00122     opCastIntStar,          // Cast to int*
00123     opPostVar,              // Post-instruction variable marker (unary with any subexpression). Can arise in some SSL
00124                             // files when ticked variables are used
00125     opMachFtr,              // A Unary with Const(string) representing a machine specific feature (register, instruction
00126                             // or whatever; the analysis better understand it and transform it away)
00128     opTruncu,               // Integer truncate (unsigned)
00129     opTruncs,               // Integer truncate (signed)
00130     opZfill,                // Integer zero fill
00131     opSgnEx,                // Integer sign extend
00133     opFsize,                // Floating point size conversion
00134     opItof,                 // Integer to floating point (and size) conversion
00135     opFtoi,                 // Floating point to integer (and size) conversion
00136     opFround,               // Floating point to nearest float conversion
00137     opFtrunc,               // chop float to int, e.g. 3.99 -> 3.00
00138     opFabs,                 // floating point absolute function
00139     opForceInt,             // Forcibly change current type to int/flt,
00140     opForceFlt,             //  without changing any of the bits
00141     opFpush,                // Floating point stack push
00142     opFpop,                 // Floating point stack pop
00144     opSin,                  // sine
00145     opCos,                  // cosine
00146     opTan,                  // tangent
00147     opArcTan,               // inverse tangent
00148     opLog2,                 // logarithm to base 2
00149     opLog10,                // logarithm to base 10
00150     opLoge,                 // logarithm to base e
00151     opPow,                  // raise to a power
00152     opSqrt,                 // square root
00153     opExecute,              // Execute instruction at(addr)
00155     opIntConst,             // integer constant
00156     opLongConst,            // long integer constant
00157     opFltConst,             // floating point constant
00158     opStrConst,             // string constant
00159     opFuncConst,            // a function constant (address of named function)
00160     opWildIntConst,         // Terminal integer constant whose value is wild
00161     opWildStrConst,         // Terminal string constant whose value is wild
00164     // Terminals (zero parameter special locations)
00165     // All machines are assumed to have these following registers:
00166     opPC,                   // program counter
00167     // This is the abstract frame pointer register (CSR/PAL analysis). 
00168     opAFP,                  // abstract frame pointer
00169     // This is the abstract global pointer register (CSR/PAL analysis)
00170     opAGP,                  // abstract global pointer
00171     // This is a "nil list" terminal (e.g. no parameters)
00172     opNil,                  // Nil list
00173     // This is the abstracted integer flags register terminal
00174     opFlags,                // Flags
00175     // This is the abstracted floating point flags terminal
00176     opFflags,
00178     // This is an abstract boolean that if true causes the following instruction to be anulled
00179     opAnull,                // Anull "variable"
00180     // This is a special terminal representing "all locations", which in practice means "every location whose definition
00181     // reaches here".
00184     // Added for type analysis
00185     opHLCTI,                // High level Control transfer instruction
00186     opDEFINE,               // Define Type of use with lexer
00187     opTrue,
00188     opFalse,
00189     opTypeOf,               // Unary: takes a location, makes a type variable
00190     opKindOf,
00191     opTypeVal,              // Wraps a Type into a type value (TypeVal)
00193     // Added for range analysis
00194     opInitValueOf,          // The initial value of a location, typically the stack pointer
00196     //---------------------- "The line" --------------------------//
00197     // All id's greater or equal to idMachSpec are assumed to be source machine
00198     // specific. If any of these are left by the time the back end is called,
00199     // then these need to have local variables assigned for them
00200     opZF,                   // zero flag
00201     opCF,                   // carry flag
00202     opNF,                   // negative flag
00203     opOF,                   // overflow flag
00204     opDF,                   // pentium Direction (=Down) flag
00205     opFZF,                  // floating point zero flag
00206     opFLF,                  // floating point less flag
00207     opFGF,                  // floating point greater flag
00208     opCTI,                  // Control transfer instruction (boolean)
00209     opNEXT,                 // Next PC pseudo-register
00211     // ALWAYS LAST!
00212     opNumOf                 // Special index: MUST BE LAST!
00213 };

Generated on Tue Sep 19 21:18:25 2006 for Boomerang by  doxygen 1.4.6