ST20Decoder Member List

This is the complete list of members for ST20Decoder, including all inherited members.

computedCall(const char *name, int size, Exp *dest, ADDRESS pc, std::list< Statement * > *stmts, DecodeResult &result)NJMCDecoder
computedJump(const char *name, int size, Exp *dest, ADDRESS pc, std::list< Statement * > *stmts, DecodeResult &result)NJMCDecoder
constrNameNJMCDecoder [protected]
createBranchRtl(ADDRESS pc, std::list< Statement * > *stmts, const char *name)ST20Decoder [private]
decodeAssemblyInstruction(ADDRESS pc, int delta)ST20Decoder [virtual]
decodeInstruction(ADDRESS pc, int delta)ST20Decoder [virtual]
dis_Num(unsigned num)NJMCDecoder [protected]
dis_Reg(int regNum)NJMCDecoder [protected]
getByte(ADDRESS lc)ST20Decoder [private]
getDword(ADDRESS lc)ST20Decoder [private]
getProg()NJMCDecoder [inline]
getRTLDict()NJMCDecoder [inline]
getWord(ADDRESS lc)ST20Decoder [private]
instantiate(ADDRESS pc, const char *name,...)NJMCDecoder [protected]
instantiateNamedParam(char *name,...)NJMCDecoder [protected]
isFuncPrologue(ADDRESS hostPC)ST20Decoder [private]
NJMCDecoder(Prog *prog)NJMCDecoder
progNJMCDecoder [protected]
RTLDictNJMCDecoder [protected]
substituteCallArgs(char *name, Exp *&exp,...)NJMCDecoder [protected]
unconditionalJump(const char *name, int size, ADDRESS relocd, int delta, ADDRESS pc, std::list< Statement * > *stmts, DecodeResult &result)NJMCDecoder [protected]
unused(int x)ST20Decoder [private]
~NJMCDecoder()NJMCDecoder [inline, virtual]

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