
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (C) 2000, The University of Queensland
00003  * Copyright (C) 2001, Sun Microsystems, Inc
00004  *
00005  * See the file "LICENSE.TERMS" for information on usage and
00006  * redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
00007  * WARRANTIES.
00008  *
00009  */
00011 /* File: Win32BinaryFile.h
00012  * Desc: This file contains the definition of the class Win32BinaryFile.
00013 */
00015 #ifndef __WIN32BINARYFILE_H__
00016 #define __WIN32BINARYFILE_H_
00018 #include "BinaryFile.h"
00019 #include <string>
00021 /* $Revision: 1.20 $
00022  * This file contains the definition of the Win32BinaryFile class, and some
00023  * other definitions specific to the exe version of the BinaryFile object
00024 */
00025 /* At present, there is no support for a symbol table. Win32 files do
00026         not use dynamic linking, but it is possible that some files may
00027         have debug symbols (in Microsoft Codeview or Borland formats),
00028         and these may be implemented in the future. The debug info may
00029         even be exposed as another pseudo section
00030  * 02 Jun 00 - Mike: Added LMMH for 32 bit endianness conversions
00031  * 16 Apr 01 - Brian: Removed redefinition of the LH macro. LH is now
00032  *             defined in BinaryFile.h.
00033  */
00035 // Given a little endian value x, load its value assuming little endian order
00036 // Note: must be able to take address of x
00037 // Note: Unlike the LH macro in BinaryFile.h, the parameter is not a pointer
00038 #define LMMH(x) ((unsigned)((Byte *)(&x))[0] + ((unsigned)((Byte *)(&x))[1] << 8) + \
00039     ((unsigned)((Byte *)(&x))[2] << 16) + ((unsigned)((Byte *)(&x))[3] << 24))
00040 // With this one, x is a pointer to unsigned
00041 #define LMMH2(x) ((unsigned)((Byte *)(x))[0] + ((unsigned)((Byte *)(x))[1] << 8) + \
00042     ((unsigned)((Byte *)(x))[2] << 16) + ((unsigned)((Byte *)(x))[3] << 24))
00044 typedef struct {                /* exe file header, just the signature really */
00045          Byte   sigLo;          /* .EXE signature: 0x4D 0x5A     */
00046          Byte   sigHi;
00047 } Header;
00049 //#ifdef WIN32
00050 #pragma pack(1)
00051 //#endif
00053 typedef struct {
00054   Byte sigLo;
00055   Byte sigHi;
00056   SWord sigver;
00057   SWord cputype;
00058   SWord numObjects;
00059   DWord TimeDate;
00060   DWord Reserved1;
00061   DWord Reserved2;
00062   SWord NtHdrSize;
00063   SWord Flags;
00064   SWord Reserved3;
00065   Byte LMajor;
00066   Byte LMinor;
00067   DWord Reserved4;
00068   DWord Reserved5;
00069   DWord Reserved6;
00070   DWord EntrypointRVA;
00071   DWord Reserved7;
00072   DWord Reserved8;
00073   DWord Imagebase;
00074   DWord ObjectAlign;
00075   DWord FileAlign;
00076   SWord OSMajor;
00077   SWord OSMinor;
00078   SWord UserMajor;
00079   SWord UserMinor;
00080   SWord SubsysMajor;
00081   SWord SubsysMinor;
00082   DWord Reserved9;
00083   DWord ImageSize;
00084   DWord HeaderSize;
00085   DWord FileChecksum;
00086   SWord Subsystem;
00087   SWord DLLFlags;
00088   DWord StackReserveSize;
00089   DWord StackCommitSize;
00090   DWord HeapReserveSize;
00091   DWord HeapCommitSize;
00092   DWord Reserved10;
00093   DWord nInterestingRVASizes;
00094   DWord ExportTableRVA;
00095   DWord TotalExportDataSize;
00096   DWord ImportTableRVA;
00097   DWord TotalImportDataSize;
00098   DWord ResourceTableRVA;
00099   DWord TotalResourceDataSize;
00100   DWord ExceptionTableRVA;
00101   DWord TotalExceptionDataSize;
00102   DWord SecurityTableRVA;
00103   DWord TotalSecurityDataSize;
00104   DWord FixupTableRVA;
00105   DWord TotalFixupDataSize;
00106   DWord DebugTableRVA;
00107   DWord TotalDebugDirectories;
00108   DWord ImageDescriptionRVA;
00109   DWord TotalDescriptionSize;
00110   DWord MachineSpecificRVA;
00111   DWord MachineSpecificSize;
00112   DWord ThreadLocalStorageRVA;
00113   DWord TotalTLSSize;
00114 } PEHeader;
00116 typedef struct {    // The real Win32 name of this struct is IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER
00117   char ObjectName[8];   // Name
00118   DWord VirtualSize;
00119   DWord RVA;            // VirtualAddress
00120   DWord PhysicalSize;   // SizeOfRawData
00121   DWord PhysicalOffset; // PointerToRawData
00122   DWord Reserved1;      // PointerToRelocations
00123   DWord Reserved2;      // PointerToLinenumbers
00124   DWord Reserved3;      // WORD NumberOfRelocations; WORD NumberOfLinenumbers;
00125   DWord Flags;          // Characteristics
00126 } PEObject;
00128 typedef struct {
00129     DWord originalFirstThunk; // 0 for end of array; also ptr to hintNameArray
00130     DWord preSnapDate;      // Time and date the import data was pre-snapped
00131                             // or zero if not pre-snapped
00132     SWord verMajor;         // Major version number of dll being ref'd
00133     SWord verMinor;         // Minor "       "
00134     DWord name;             // RVA of dll name (asciz)
00135     DWord firstThunk;       // RVA of start of import address table (IAT)
00136 } PEImportDtor;
00138 typedef struct {
00139     DWord   flags;          // Reserved; 0
00140     DWord   stamp;          // Time/date stamp export data was created
00141     SWord   verMajor;       // Version number can be ...
00142     SWord   verMinor;       //   ... set by user
00143     DWord   name;           // RVA of the ascii string containing the name of
00144                             //   the DLL
00145     DWord   base;           // Starting ordinal number for exports in this
00146                             //  image. Usually set to 1.
00147     DWord   numEatEntries;  // Number of entries in EAT (Export ADdress Table)
00148     DWord   numNptEntries;  // Number of entries in NPT (Name Pointer Table)
00149                             //  (also #entries in the Ordinal Table)
00150     DWord   eatRVA;         // RVA of the EAT
00151     DWord   nptRVA;         // RVA of the NPT
00152     DWord   otRVA;          // RVA of the OT
00153 } PEExportDtor;
00155 //#ifdef WIN32
00156 #pragma pack(4)
00157 //#endif
00159 class Win32BinaryFile : public BinaryFile
00160 {
00161 public:
00162                     Win32BinaryFile();              // Default constructor
00163 virtual             ~Win32BinaryFile();             // Destructor
00164 virtual bool        Open(const char* sName);        // Open the file for r/w; ???
00165 virtual void        Close();                        // Close file opened with Open()
00166 virtual void        UnLoad();                       // Unload the image
00167 virtual LOAD_FMT    GetFormat() const;          // Get format (i.e.
00168                                                 // LOADFMT_Win32)
00169 virtual MACHINE     GetMachine() const;         // Get machine (i.e.
00170                                                 // MACHINE_Pentium)
00171 virtual const char* getFilename() const { return m_pFileName; }
00172 virtual bool        isLibrary() const;
00173 virtual std::list<const char *> getDependencyList();
00174 virtual ADDRESS     getImageBase();
00175 virtual size_t      getImageSize();
00177 virtual std::list<SectionInfo*>& GetEntryPoints(const char* pEntry = "main");
00178 virtual ADDRESS     GetMainEntryPoint();
00179 virtual ADDRESS     GetEntryPoint();
00180         DWord       getDelta();
00181 virtual const char* SymbolByAddress(ADDRESS dwAddr); // Get sym from addr
00182 virtual ADDRESS     GetAddressByName(const char* name, bool bNoTypeOK = false);     // Find addr given name  
00183 virtual void        AddSymbol(ADDRESS uNative, const char *pName);
00184         void        dumpSymbols();                  // For debugging
00186 //
00187 //      --      --      --      --      --      --      --      --      --
00188 //
00189         // Internal information
00190         // Dump headers, etc
00191 virtual bool        DisplayDetails(const char* fileName, FILE* f = stdout);
00193 protected:
00195         int         win32Read2(short *ps) const; // Read 2 bytes from native addr
00196         int         win32Read4(int *pi) const;   // Read 4 bytes from native addr
00198 public:
00200 virtual int         readNative1(ADDRESS a);         // Read 1 bytes from native addr
00201 virtual int         readNative2(ADDRESS a);         // Read 2 bytes from native addr
00202 virtual int         readNative4(ADDRESS a);         // Read 4 bytes from native addr
00203 virtual QWord       readNative8(ADDRESS a);     // Read 8 bytes from native addr
00204 virtual float       readNativeFloat4(ADDRESS a);    // Read 4 bytes as float
00205 virtual double      readNativeFloat8(ADDRESS a); // Read 8 bytes as float
00207 virtual bool        IsDynamicLinkedProcPointer(ADDRESS uNative);
00208 virtual bool        IsStaticLinkedLibProc(ADDRESS uNative);
00209 virtual ADDRESS     IsJumpToAnotherAddr(ADDRESS uNative);
00210 virtual const char *GetDynamicProcName(ADDRESS uNative);
00212         bool        IsMinGWsAllocStack(ADDRESS uNative);
00213         bool        IsMinGWsFrameInit(ADDRESS uNative);
00214         bool        IsMinGWsFrameEnd(ADDRESS uNative);
00215         bool        IsMinGWsCleanupSetup(ADDRESS uNative);
00216         bool        IsMinGWsMalloc(ADDRESS uNative);
00218 virtual std::map<ADDRESS, std::string> &getSymbols() { return dlprocptrs; }
00220         bool        hasDebugInfo() { return haveDebugInfo; }
00222 protected:
00223 virtual bool        RealLoad(const char* sName); // Load the file; pure virtual
00225 private:
00227         bool        PostLoad(void* handle); // Called after archive member loaded
00228         void        findJumps(ADDRESS curr);// Find names for jumps to IATs
00230         Header*     m_pHeader;              // Pointer to header
00231         PEHeader*   m_pPEHeader;            // Pointer to pe header
00232         int         m_cbImage;              // Size of image
00233         int         m_cReloc;               // Number of relocation entries
00234         DWord*      m_pRelocTable;          // The relocation table
00235         char *      base;                   // Beginning of the loaded image
00236         // Map from address of dynamic pointers to library procedure names:
00237         std::map<ADDRESS, std::string> dlprocptrs;
00238         const char  *m_pFileName;
00239         bool        haveDebugInfo;
00240         bool        mingw_main;
00242 };
00244 //#ifdef WIN32
00245 #pragma pack()
00246 //#endif
00247 #endif          // ifndef __WIN32BINARYFILE_H__

Generated on Tue Sep 19 21:18:36 2006 for Boomerang by  doxygen 1.4.6